Navigating the FAA 137
Why does a pilot need a FAA 14 CFR Part 137? The FAA requires all pilots intending to fly and dispense chemicals and agricultural products in the propagation of agriculture to have what is referred to as a 137. This can be referenced under the FAA 14 CFR Part 137. Before applying for a 137, the FAA also requires all drones over the weight of 55 lbs to fly under a heavy drone regulation, commonly referred to as a 44807.
As agriculture specialists, complying with FAA 137 regulations can be a difficult and time-consuming process. We help agri-businesses be more efficient by guiding you through the compliance process. We know the steps that are necessary to guarantee smooth compliance with the rules, and we're prepared to work with you to achieve it. We take pride in providing the knowledge, allowing your ag drone business to continue running smoothly and profitable while ensuring compliance.
Step by step to be Unmanned FAA compliant
The things you will need FEDERALLY will include the following; 107 pilot license, Class 3 Medical, and registering your UAS drone.
Step 1: Applying for your 44807 can be overwhelming. We can assist. We can submitt your 44807 by following this Link look for the red ribbon that says new 44807.
Step 2: Part 107 Directions (possibly accomplished prior to purchasing a drone) Step By Step Guide Here
a. Create an IACRA account Here
b. Create a PSI Account Here
c. When you are ready to take your 107 Test, schedule through the PSI
d. With a passing score, submit paper license application on IACRA (more help Here)
e. Every 2 years you must take a Remote Pilot Certificate (Link)
For existing manned pilots Here
Step 3: To get your Class 3 medical, find your closest AME Here
(tip: only put in your state not, your zip code)
Under 55 it is not necessary to get a medical
Step 4: This is the process to register you over 55 Lbs. drone with the FAA, they normally send it back for a few alterations before issuing the registration, it's totally normal. We recommend you reserve an N# first and use that on your forms. Link Here
a. AC Form 8050-1 Download HERE
Use the Remote ID code for serial number. For DJI it is a 20 digit code that begins with 158F...
b. AC Affidavit of Ownership Download HERE
c. Bill of Sale - You will need a bill of sale/invoice from your dealer.
d. AC Form 8050-2 Download Here
d. Articles of Organization - If you are registering under a LLC or Corporation, send articles of organization.
e. Corporation letter
f. LLC letter download HERE
f. Payment - $5 per drone check made payable to the Federal Aviation Administration.
Mail to: FAA Aircraft Registration Branch, P.O. Box 25504, Oklahoma City OK 73125-0504
Courier FAA Aircraft Registration Branch, 6425 S. Denning Ave Oklahoma City OK 73196
Selling your drone? Here's how to transfer aircraft ownership / registration:
a. Complete Form AC 8050-2 - Aircraft Bill of Sale transferring all or a specific portion of their right, title and interest in the UA to the purchaser. Provide the original signed bill of sale to the purchaser. Use the aircraft (UA) description shown on the registration certificate or the Search Aircraft Registration Information website to correctly describe the UA on the bill of sale.
b. The seller should also retain their Certificate of Aircraft Registration, AC Form 8050-3, complete the applicable items on the reverse side, and return it to the FAA Aircraft Registration Branch.
The purchaser should forward the bill of sale with the seller's original signature, a completed Aircraft Registration Application, AC Form 8050-1, and the $5.00 registration fee to the FAA Aircraft Registration Branch.
All signatures on all forms must have the typed or printed name of the signer next to their signature in the signature block.
All fees should be paid by check or money order made payable to the Federal Aviation Administration.
Step 5: Applying for your 137 is simple. Once the FAA has approved your 44807, the document directs you back to the FAA application submission with a copy of your 8710-3 Here. Timeline 2-4 business days, AFTER the completion of your 44807.
Note: NEW Available additional Exemptions:
Swarming, Night Operations, No VO (Link) Look for th red ribbon.
UPDATE: May 2024 the FAA is now requiring the additional information to file your 44807:
1. Provide the applicant’s full legal name and address.
Business name and physical address
2. Who is the Chief Supervisor of Operations?
The point of contact for the petitioner answering any potential FAA questions regarding the applicant’s operations
3. What is the contact information for the Chief Supervisor of Operations?
Phone number, email address and physical address
4. Who will be the pilot in command (PIC) for the proposed UAS operations?
The name and pilot certificate number
5. What aircraft do you intend to operate under this exemption?
Aircraft’s make, model, and N-number (for example "N123UA"). If no N number is available yet, then a serial number will suffice
Step 6: The FAA requires every pilot to keep records for a year, as well as other training. U-PASS has a test that can be downloaded and attached to your drone logbook. U-PASS also has FAA audited logbook that can be accessed and used for record keeping.
Step 7: The FAA requires every pilot to have an annual test and to be able to provided that test to the FAA upon request. U-PASS has created a test that can be used and stored electronically by U-PASS as well as provided back to the pilots. LINK here for the electronic test. Link here for the PDF.
Step 8: You will need to register your drone's RID serial number. This will include the 8050-1 and affidavit with the RID serial number. For DJI it is a 20 digit code that begins with 1581F.
8050-1 Form (Above)
Affidavit of ownership (Above)
RID Form Here
Every state will require additional chemical licenses. Please look at your state directory for specific requirements, reciprocity, and latest state notifications.
Step 9: Every two years you will need to renew your 44807. Link here to renew.